Publication archives

Tara Ritter
IATP's Tara Ritter is blogging from New York City as a participant of the People's Climate March.
Tara Ritter
IATP’s Tara Ritter is blogging from New York City as she attends the NYC Climate Convergence and the People's Climate March. Saturday 9/20/2014
Dr. Steve Suppan
How much would you pay for a pork chop that was two percent leaner? Would you eat such a pork chop if nanoscale minerals were mixed into the hog feed to achieve that two percent reduction?
Dr. M. Jahi Chappell
UPDATE: Join these scientists and sign on to support a U.N.-wide agroecology effort.
Tara Ritter
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is taking a new approach to engage the public on climate change: invite television weather forecasters around the world to release weather reports from the year 2050.
Thom Hartmann on Science & Green News for the week of September 8, 2014
Jim Harkness
The headline of last week’s Science Insider blog was eye-catching: “China pulls plug on genetically modified rice and corn.” (The RT version was even better: “End of the line: GMO production in China halted.”) What
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
A few weeks ago IATP received a leaked draft proposal for the chapter on Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS, or food and plant safety) measures in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), being negotiated between the U.S. and EU.
Another piece in the TTIP puzzle