Publication archives

全球工业化肉业集群: 最初于2014年2月以英文发表 报告​翻译:​蒋亦凡 中译版协调与编辑​:谷声,一个致力于生态农业和可持续食物体系的在线传播和研究平台
全球工业化肉业集群: 最初于2014年2月以英文发表 报告翻译:周晚晴​ 中译版协调与编辑​:谷声,一个致力于生态农业和可持续食物体系的在线传播和研究平台 理解中国的肉业革命 饲料饥饿:中国的工业化肉制品需求及其影响
全球工业化肉业集群:  最初于2014年2月以英文发表 ​​报告​翻译:​常天乐 中译版协调与编辑​:谷声,一个致力于生态农业和可持续食物体系的在线传播和研究平台 理解中国的肉业革命
Ben Lilliston
President Trump’s proposed budget, released last week, includes massive cuts to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and a series of other programs important to rural communities.
Clouds and field
As representatives from the Pacific Rim gathered in Vina Del Mar, Chile, this week, the United States was on the sidelines. The death of the US-driven Trans-Pacific Partnership should be a wakeup call that we are paying attention to globalization and demanding a trade regime that works for all people, not just multi-national corporations.
Shefali Sharma
A few years ago, IATP published four reports on the Global Meat Complex: The China Series. Today, we are pleased to launch the Chinese translation of these reports to contribute to the ongoing debate within China about meat consumption.
China Meat series covers, Chinese tranlations
Last week we highlighted the contradictions in the Trump administration’s stance on trade in our blog on Robert Lighthizer.
Shiney Varghese
Earlier last week it was reported that President Donald Trump is about to issue the next set of executive orders, this time targeting environmental safeguards for water and climate put in place in 2015.