Publication archives

The Issue We cannot address climate change without reducing the production and consumption of industrial meat and dairy.
Lady with goats as an example of agroecology
Shiney Varghese
This op-ed originally ran in AgriNews on World Water Day.
Timothy Wise
U.S. President Donald Trump may still deny the harsh realities of climate change, but no one in southern Mozambique has any doubts. They don’t have much food either.
Ben Lilliston
Last month, Congress held initial hearings to inform the 2018 Farm Bill. Agriculture Committee members heard about the struggling farm economy, crop insurance and rural development. One issue that wasn’t discussed, despite its profound impact on farmers, is climate change.
picture of a tree and a field
Dr. Steve Suppan
Perhaps it has happened to you. Ill, you take a prescribed antibiotic and you begin to feel better. But a few days later after finishing the prescription, you feel ill again. Have your germs become resistant to the antibiotic?
Tara Ritter
An Executive Order issued by President Trump today begins the process of dismantling the Clean Power Plan. The Clean Power Plan is the first regulation in the U.S. to limit carbon emissions from existing power plants, but the rule has been stalled in the courts since February 2016.
Wind turbines
Ben Lilliston
The assessments of the new healthcare proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from House Republicans and the Trump Administration are rolling in. And they are not good, particularly for farmers and rural Americans.
全球工业化肉业集群: 最初于2014年2月以英文发表 报告​翻译:​蒋亦凡 中译版协调与编辑​:谷声,一个致力于生态农业和可持续食物体系的在线传播和研究平台 理解中国的肉业革命