Publication archives

Dr. Steve Suppan
Next week, the U.S. Senate will consider President Donald Trump’s nominee to direct the presidential Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Representative Mick Mulvaney (R-SC).
Juliette Majot
From the Executive Director
Endorsed by Food & Water Watch Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy National Family Farm Coalition National Farmers Union R-CALF Rural Coalition
Principles of a new U.S. trade policy for North American agriculture
Published with the kind permission of Noticias de Abajo. Varios brotes mortales de gripe aviar H5 están diezmando las aves de corral de Europa, Asia y Oriente Medio.
Multiple outbreaks of deadly H5 bird flu are decimating poultry across Europe,
Ben Lilliston
Rural communities in the U.S. and around the world are vulnerable to industries, often with headquarters elsewhere, who view local natural resources simply as an asset to be extracted. No global corporation better exemplifies this approach than the oil giant ExxonMobil. Now, President Donald Trump has nominated the company’s CEO, Rex Tillerson, to run the U.S. State Department.
Shiney Varghese
Ahead World Bank’s release of the 2017 “Enabling the Business of Agriculture” (EBA) project report this month, 156 organizations (including IATP) and academics from around the world, denounced the Bank’s scheme to undermine farmers’ rights to seeds and destroy their food sovereignty and the environment.
Ben Lilliston
This week, Congress begins the first round of confirmation hearings for President-elect Trump’s Cabinet. After a bombastic Presidential campaign that was often short on policy specifics, the Cabinet selections provide an initial glimpse into how first-time public officeholder Trump will actually govern.
Private or Public Interest: What can we tell from Trump’s Cabinet appointees?