WEBINAR: TTIP and Animal Welfare

 The EU and US have very different rules on the treatment of farm animals. The EU recognizes animals as sentient beings and requires Member states to respect their welfare, banning some of the worst forms of cruelty, many of which are common in the United States.

Minnesota Farm to Institution Markets

Aimed at improving access to and profitability from Minnesota’s farm to institution markets (i.e. schools, hospitals, child care centers, etc.) for Minnesota producers, the survey engaged 142 producers operating in 56 counties in Minnesota, Wisconsin and South Dakota.

Letter to Congress on Fast Track and Agriculture

A letter to Members of Congress, from 40 organizations committed to local and community level responses to climate change, to express their opposition to fast track trade negotiating authority.

Agricultural Fungicides and Public Health

March 5th, 2015

It is becoming clear that public health is increasingly at risk from resistance to some important fungicides, exacerbated by the overuse of agricultural fungicides. Fungicide resistance is showing up everywhere. Hardly a day passes without news of resistance to fungicide in another plant or animal -- bats, salamanders, Norway Maples, Hawthorns, wheat, corn, soy beans, coffee, potatoes, bananas, cats, cattle, honey bees, and now humans. Strains of the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus that are resistant to medical azoles have been encountered more and more frequently in hospitals. This

Fast Track to an Empty Basket

Later this month, Congress will consider whether or not to hand Fast Track authority over to the President, limiting themselves to a simple up or down vote on two extraordinarily complex trade agreements now being negotiated in secret and without Congressional oversight.