Controversial Trade Deal Criticized for Secrecy, Benefiting only Multinationals

Minneapolis/Washington D.C.–After years of negotiations behind closed doors, it appears that the 12 countries that make up the Trans Pacific Partnership have reached a deal. While the details remain secret, the new trade rules could have serious impacts on farmers and ranchers, consumer labeling, farm to school programs and other state and local policies supporting local food systems.

Proclamation from the International Meeting of Peasant Agriculture and Agroecology in America: Social Movements, Dialogue of Knowledges, and Public Policies

Translation of the Proclamation from the International Meeting of Peasant Agriculture and Agroecology in America: Social Movements, Dialogue of Knowledges, and Public Policies; from the 20th Anniversary of the National Association of Commercialization Enterprises (ANEC) Opening Comments in Mexico City, 31 of August to 2nd of September, 2015.

More than 350 organizations from around the world oppose greenwashing and false solutions of ‘Climate Smart Agriculture'

Minneapolis–One year after the launch of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA), more than 350 civil society organizations from around the world, including the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), rejected the ill-defined agenda of the Alliance as an empty marketing slogan, distracting governments from the transformational changes that are needed in agriculture

Don't be fooled! Civil society says NO to “Climate Smart Agriculture” and urges decision-makers to support agroecology

We, the undersigned, belong to civil society organizations including social movements, peasants/farmers organizations and faith-based organizations from around the world. We are working to tackle the impacts of climate change that are already disrupting farming and food systems and threatening the food and nutrition security of millions of individuals.