Appeal for a ban of highly hazardous pest icides

Decades of experience has shown that, despite numerous ‘safe use’ programs, the ’safe use’ of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs) is not possible. People, farm animals, wildlife and the environment continue to suffer considerable harm from HHPs. After decades of failure which have seen millions of deaths worldwide, new policies are needed to stop pesticide poisonings.

U.S. Statement on the CFS42 Decision Box on Water for Food Security and Nutrition

The United States joins consensus on this Decision Box. Domestically, the United States pursues policies that promote access to food, and supports universal and non-discriminatory access to safe drinking water and sanitation, which are vitally important to human health and well-being. Globally, it is the objective of the United States to achieve a world where everyone has adequate acc

2015 Food Sovereignty Prize

2015 U.S. Food Sovereignty Prize, was presented in Des Moines on October 14, 2015. The Food Sovereignty Prize is awarded by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, which IATP is a member organization. The US Food Sovereignty Alliance works to end poverty, rebuild local food economies, and assert democratic control over the food system.