Selling Off the Farm: Corporate Meat's Takeover Through TTIP Panel Discussion

July 12th, 2016

12:30 to 14:30 CEST European Parliament Altiero Spinelli building (ASP) Room A3H1 --> The organizing NGOs would like to invite you to a panel discussion and press briefing on a new study, Selling Off the Farm: Corporate’s Meat’s Takeover Through TTIP. The meat industry is rapidly changing and with the EU negotiating a new trade agreement, the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), with the U.S.—one of the largest meat producers and exporters—the landscape could shift even more. This panel discussion and launch on a new report, “Selling Off the Farm: Corporate Me

The Clean Power Plan

The Clean Power Plan is the most significant policy shaping the future of the United States’ energy sector. As such, it will affect rural communities that have long produced much of the nation’s energy supply. Although rural counties house only 15 percent of U.S.

Local governments could be required to abandon buy-local requirements

The proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the U.S. and the European Union has been negotiated in secret – preventing the public from knowing what exactly is on the negotiating table. In May, TTIP text was leaked by Greenpeace Netherlands. The leaked text provides a snapshot of the status of the talks.

Food Systems in China and the U.S.: What Can We Learn From Each Other?

June 9th, 2016

The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) invited a group of food activists and researchers from China to spend ten days learning about the U.S. food system. They spent a week visiting farms and food enterprises, both conventional and alternative, in North Carolina and Minnesota. Come to a public discussion to hear their impressions of what they have seen here and their thoughts about China's agriculture and food challenges. This event is co-hosted by IATP and the University of Minnesota's China Center.