IATP Statement: Derailment of TPP is a victory for Fair Trade Advocates

Minneapolis – The derailment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the lame duck session of Congress marks powerful progress toward fair trade. Since 2010, the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, working with a coalition of human rights, environmental, labor and family farm organizations—indeed, nearly all of civil society—has been raising concerns about the TPP.

Derailment of TPP is a victory for Fair Trade Advocates

 The derailment of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the lame duck session of Congress marks powerful progress toward fair trade.  Since 2010, the Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy, working with a coalition of human rights, environmental, labor, and family farm organizations – indeed, nearly all of civil society – has been raising concerns about the TPP.

Latin America is taking action against TPP today!

Today is a Latin America wide day of action against the disastrous effects so-called Free Trade Agreements have had in undermining governments and the will of the people. Below is a public statement from the organizing groups, translated into English by IATP's Karen Hansen-Kuhn:  PUBLIC STATEMENT

Farm to Head Start in Minnesota: Planting the Seeds for a Community-centered Food System

This case study looks at a marketing initiative in two counties in Minnesota (MN), USA, which connects the Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA) with the Head Start Program run by the Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties (CAPRW) in Minnesota.

Will the teeth of trade rules swallow the Paris climate deal?

Earlier this week, the European Parliament approved the Paris climate agreement, joining more than 60 other countries in signing the deal and paving the way for this historic global effort to enter into force. While the Paris deal is truly a major step forward, countries will have to overcome a series of hurdles created by trade agreements to reach their climate goals.