World Trade Organization

Australia Divided over WTO Ruling

Tasmanian Premier Jim Bacon said the Tasmanian Government would not buckle to pressure from the WTO and the Australian Federal Government to weaken its quarantine laws and allow raw salmon into the state. "This is not a trade issue. This issue is about the protection of Tasmania's reputation as a producer of fine quality, disease free food."

China Looks to Clinch WTO Deal

BEIJING (AP) - Greater access to China's markets was the main issue as talks resumed Monday with the European Union on Beijing's bid to join the World Trade Organization. Long Yongtu, a top Chinese trade negotiator, and Hans-Freidrich Beseler, the European Commission's director general for trade, were heading the talks.

China, EU to Resume WTO Talks on Tuesday

By Paul Eckert BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese and EU negotiators held a new round of market-opening talks on Monday to try to hammer out a deal that would remove the biggest remaining obstacle to China's membership in the World Trade Organization. EU officials refused to comment on the technical negotiations beyond confirming the talks would resume on Tuesday as scheduled.

Development: All Eyes on How UNCTAD Drives Vehicle for New Order

Bangkok, Feb 21 (IPS/Kalinga Seneviratne) -- At the just-finished tenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) here, the often sidelined UN agency offered itself as the vehicle to kickstart a "new order" of trade negotiations where developing countries have a louder voice. This stands in contrast to how its clout appeared to wane in past years.

Australia Tries to Isolate Canada Salmon Trade War

SYDNEY, Feb 21 (Reuters) - The Australian government and trade groups are attempting to stop a new eruption in a longstanding dispute with Canada over salmon imports from spilling into major areas of trade. This follows a World Trade Organisation (WTO) panel ruling last week that Australian restrictions of imports of Canadian salmon violate international trade rules.