World Trade Organization

US vs. Europe at the WTO

Christian Science Monitor The United States had its biggest trade deficit ever last year - $347 billion. That sum was 41 percent worse than in 1998. The American border, clearly, is highly porous to imports. And though the US does have an armful of devices to discourage imports and promote exports, its tariffs are a bit lower on average than those of the European Union.

China Raises Taiwan Stakes

By CHARLES HUTZLER Associated Press Writer BEIJING (AP) - China raises new threats to attack Taiwan. Taiwanese leaders warn intimidation will only worsen relations. The United States, threatening grave consequences if China attacks, moves an aircraft carrier off Japan.

WTO Good Deal for U.S.

By ANNE GEARAN Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) - A Clinton administration report sent to Congress on Thursday concludes that after five years, the World Trade Organization has proved a good deal for the United States.

WTO Rulings Force Review

Australian Financial Review By Lenore Taylor and Brendan Pearson The Federal Government has been forced to rethink its case-by-case process to encourage major investments after recent tough World Trade Organisation rulings on illegal export subsidies.