World Trade Organization

What Should We Expect From the WTO?

Arlan Suderman / Farm Progress / Thursday, October 12, 2000 The World Trade Organization (WTO) has become both respected and reviled. In 1995, the United States entered into an agreement with other WTO members that will impact agriculture for many years. Now as members enter the second round of WTO negotiations, few understand what we've agreed to, or where we're headed.

U.S. Urges Increased Public Access to WTO

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton administration Tuesday called on the World Trade Organization to increase public access to its operations, hoping to address the concerns of free-trade critics who say the WTO is too secretive. Specifically, the United States urged the Geneva-based trade body to release more of its documents and reports, open its meetings and improve its Web site.

CAIRNS Group Farm Leaders Meet in Banff

Farm Leaders from the Cairns Group countries will meet alongside their Trade Ministers in Banff, Alberta, Canada from 9-12 October 2000. The farm leaders from 18 countries have organised a big program in Banff, which includes seminars on trade policy, a strategic planning workshop and joint social functions with ministers.