World Trade Organization

Cairns WTO Proposal Demands Market Access

By Gustavo Capdevila GENEVA, Nov 14 (IPS) - Agriculture has long been the "ugly duckling" in the process of international trade liberalisation as the sector has been largely excluded from market access measures that readily benefit industry and services. On average, import tariffs on agricultural products are eight times higher than they are for industrial goods.

WTO Food and Agriculture Rules: Sustainable Agriculture and the Human RIght to Food

Published in the Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, Winter 2000, Vol. 9, Issue 1. This paper was also a presentation given by Mark Ritchie at the International Cooperative Agricultural Organization General Assembly in Quebec City, Quebec on August 29, 1999. The focus of this paper is the the impact of agricultural export dumping by grain corporations based in the U.S.

Launch of WTO Services Talks Next Year Could Be Threatened, Industry Sources Say

International Trade Reporter / Volume 17 Number 44 The United States and other member countries of the World Trade Organization expect to begin talks early next year on developing new rules to govern global trade in services, but U.S. industry sources said Nov. 1 that the plan is now being opposed by India and Hong Kong--two highly influential members of the organization.

APEC to Discuss Globalization

By DIRK BEVERIDGE, AP Business Writer HONG KONG (AP) -- Leaders from Asia and the Pacific rim have plenty of worries at a trade summit this week -- high oil prices, political and currency troubles, and opposition to globalization. But unlike recent meetings, there aren't likely to be crowds of activists tearing up the streets over the issues being debated.