
Brazilian President Meets With Castro to Talk Trade

Associated Press | September 28, 2003 HAVANA -- Linked for decades as fellow icons of Latin America's left, Brazil's president and Fidel Castro cemented their relationship Saturday as they talked business and ignored Cuba's human-rights record.

Failed Cancun Talks Give Impetus To Bilateral Deals

The International Herald Tribune | By Brian Knowlton | September 23, 2003 Tuesday WASHINGTON -- No sooner had the dust begun to settle from the collapse of the recent World Trade Organization talks in Cancun than a variety of officials began raising the specter of a return to the very sort of bilateral trade arrangements that the Cancun talks aspired to replace.

NGOs Seen As Reason For Talks Failure

The Nation (Thailand) | September 23, 2003 International trade sources believe non-governmental organisations were responsible for last week's walkout by African, Caribbean and Pacific countries at the World Trade Organisation meeting in Cancun, which led to a collapse of the global trade talks.