
Budding Democracy Made Trade Talks Collapse

Newsday (New York) | By Victor Tan Chen | October 15, 2003 Somehow, the protesters had gotten in. When they slipped through the police-manned barricades on one end of Cancun's hotel zone, they must have seemed like just another bunch of tourists - split into small groups, their bandannas and piercings discreetly tucked away.

Environmental Coalition Putting Salmon-Protection Suit On Hold

Idaho Falls Post Register | By KATHLEEN O'NEIL | October 14, 2003 A coalition of environmental groups agreed Friday to continue holding off on a lawsuit against federal agencies for failing to protect endangered species of salmon, and are considering continuing talks with water users led by Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho.

Gates Foundation Pledges $ 25-m For `New Agri Tech""

Financial Express | By Ashok B Sharma | October 12, 2003 The US-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has decided to render an assistance of $25 million for combating malnutritional problems in the developing countries, including India. This assistance will also include programmes for improving the nutritional quality of staple food through `new agricultural technology.'