
Miami Braces For Thousands Of Protesters For Free Trade Talks

Associated Press | By RACHEL LA CORTE | November 14, 2003 Thousands of protesters are expected to take to the streets of Miami to protest trade talks next week, and while many of them say they will demonstrate peacefully, police are preparing for extremist groups bent on wreaking havoc.

Guatemala""s Portillo: US-Central America Free Trade Pact to be Delayed

Agence France Presse | Nov. 8, 2003 GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) - Guatemalan President Alfonso Portillo told AFP that a US-Central America free trade deal would not be signed in December as scheduled. The negotiators' timetable called for the deal to be signed next month, but Portillo ruled that out.

Mad Cows -- Ottawa""s Fear of NAFTA

Country Life in BC | November 2003 Canada's cows should be MAD! It took a while to dispel the "spin", but by mid-October, Canada's ranchers finally had the straight goods: "Yes, NAFTA applies. No, we are not going to use it. Why? Because we prefer a "soft approach". Euphemisms aside, Canada is AFRAID to use NAFTA to reopen the US border to Canadian beef.

Prescription Drugs To Be Free-Trade Topic

Miami Herald | By JOHN DORSCHNER | November 9, 2003 MIAMI - Access to prescription drugs may be one of the hottest and most contested topics in the free-trade conference coming up in Miami later this month.