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Agence France Presse | Nov. 8, 2003

GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) - Guatemalan President Alfonso Portillo told AFP that a US-Central America free trade deal would not be signed in December as scheduled.

The negotiators' timetable called for the deal to be signed next month, but Portillo ruled that out.

"I think that in December the free trade deal won't be signed, it's too late," the president said, noting there were still sensitive issues to be worked out, including opening Costa Rica's telecommunications industry.

"The next government will approve it, along with those of the rest of Central America," said Portillo. Guatemala holds an election for his successor on Sunday.

Central American countries are expected to reach such a deal with Washington ahead of the planned creation of a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), due to be negotiated by 2005. It would stretch from Canada to Argentina.Agence France Presse: