
WTO Debate In Davos

AP Worldstream ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS DAVOS, Switzerland -- The global economy has grown strong but so has debate over who has benefited and who has lost in the boom, world corporate and government leaders heard at an annual summit Friday.

U.S. Lamb Tariffs Hypocritical, Australians Say

01/16/2000 / By Gregg Jones / The Dallas Morning News COWRA, Australia -- Ian Donges is an amiable Aussie. But if you want to see the brawny rancher smolder, ask him about the steep tariffs the Clinton administration slapped on Australian and New Zealand lamb imports in July.

Challenges of Feeding the World

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2000 Farm output expands slowly even as population growth and changing diets boost demand. Laurent Belsie (belsiel@csps.com) / Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor ST. LOUIS -- Wanted: the next "green revolution."

Increase Grain Production

New York Times / AP / Nov. 6 1999 WASHINGTON -- A study from the International Food Policy Research Institute was cited as saying that the world's farmers will have to increase grain production by 40 percent to meet global needs in 2020.