
Rounding Out a Clear Clinton Legacy

The New York Times / By DAVID E. SANGER WASHINGTON, May 24 -- With his victory today on trade with China, Bill Clinton has finally defined his imprint on American foreign policy: the president who cemented in place the post-cold-war experiment of using economic engagement to foster political change among America's neighbors and its potential adversaries.

Europe""s Own Deal for China Trading

New York Times | By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | May 24, 2000 LONDON - Europeans, like Americans, are divided over whether to cheer - or to fear - the development of closer economic ties with China. Still, the 15-nation European Union sealed a comprehensive commercial pact with China last Friday, jumping the gun on the United States.

Sector Impact After China""s WTO Entry

SHANGHAI, May 25 (Reuters) - Following are the sectors most affected by China's impending entry to the WTO following passage of a bill by the U.S. House of Representatives to grant China permanent normal trade relations. The bill has yet to be approved by the U.S. Senate but its passage there is widely expected.

House Votes on China Trade Today

USA Today WASHINGTON (AP) - Supporters of a measure to normalize trade relations with China closed in today on the votes needed for victory as both sides dueled for a dwindling pool of undecided House members.

China Vote Seen Too Close to Call

MSNBC News / By Tom Curry WASHINGTON, May 24 - With a crucial debate on liberalizing trade with China just hours away, supporters seemed confident they had the votes to win. But opponents insisted the battle was not over and both sides planned to lobby members of the House of Representatives right up to decision time about 5 p.m. ET.