
Globalisation ""Poverty Solution""

The Press, Christchurch / By PETER LUKE More globalisation, not less, is the solution to world poverty, says World Trade Organisation director-general Mike Moore. He used a speech to Canterbury employers yesterday to answer critics of the institution he heads, and the ideal of free trade - even as the chants of protesters could be heard outside.

Moore takes a hammering from protesters

The Press, Christchurch World Trade Organisation director-general Mike Moore was called a traitor by free trade opponents during a small but raucous protest in Christchurch on Monday. Mr Moore, escorted by a member of the Diplomatic Protection Service, arrived at the Centra Hotel just before midday to address the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce.

The United Nations Sits in Suspicious Company

By Joshua Karliner and Kenny Bruno, International Herald Tribune SAN FRANCISCO - Do the UN flag and the Nike swoosh belong together? Secretary-General Kofi Annan thinks they might. Leaders of nearly 50 of the world's most powerful corporations met with him on July 26 to hail the dawn of a new relationship between the United Nations and big business.

Wake Up to Trade Reality: Moore

Staff Reporter Patric Lane Opponents of free trade need to wake up and take a reality check, according to World Trade Organisation boss Mike Moore. Mr Moore, a former New Zealand Prime Minister, is in New Zealand on an official visit to update the Government and other political leaders on progress in Geneva.

GOP, Dems Agree: Farms Need Help

August 5, 2000 / By The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats and Republicans agree it's time to fix federal agricultural policy. But the parties, in their platforms, are not saying how -- and that's the tricky part because even farmers themselves don't agree on what's best.