
FAO""s Annual Report on the State of Food and Agriculture: Despite Tangible Progress, 13 Percent of Humanity Still Suffers from Hunger and Related Diseases

Paris, 15 September 2000 - More than 800 million people still lack access to the food they need, much less than the 960 million estimated 30 years ago, but still a massive number accounting for 13 percent of the world's population, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says in its annual report "The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA-2000)," released today at a news conference at the

U.S. Backs International Merger Body in Move to Ease Regulatory Friction

By BRANDON MITCHENER, Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL BRUSSELS -- In a dramatic change of tone on antitrust policy, the U.S.'s top antitrust official has endorsed the establishment of an international organization to improve coordination among trust busters and ultimately vet cross-border mergers.

Globalization Targeted Down Under

Chicago Tribune / by Uli Schmetzer MELBOURNE, Australia - Stunned Australians are learning this week just how global anti-globalization protests have become.

Explain Globalisation, Reform Agricultural Trade: Howard

Sydney Morning Herald / By MICHELLE GRATTAN, Chief Political Correspondent The future of globalisation could be in doubt unless its benefits were sold properly and its "losers" were helped, the Prime Minister told the World Economic Forum last night. Mr Howard delivered a strong argument in favour of globalisation accompanied by an equally forthright warning.

Mexico""s Fox to Push for Free Trade

Associated Press / Will Weissert GUATEMALA CITY (AP) -- Mexico's president-elect Vicente Fox pledged Monday to push for a free-trade zone from Mexico to Panama, as part of a bid to stem illegal immigration from Central America.