
Agriculture Key To Afghan Recovery

REUTERS reports that the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization believes peace and long term economic stability in war-ravaged Afghanistan depend on rebuilding agriculture. "The shortest path to national stability will be for the rural population to return to their fields and produce the nation's food," the FAO said in a statement.

High-Profile Summits Will Take on "Globalization"

Institute for Public Accuracy | Presidential Campaign Press Materials | January 18, 2002 | Press Release For several days beginning Jan. 31, two global summits -- one in Manhattan, one in Porto Alegre, Brazil -- will offer dramatically different visions for the future of the world economy.

Quad Floats Names For New Negotiating Group Chairmen In WTO

Inside US Trade | January 18, 2002 The major industrialized countries have begun informally floating the names of trade officials to chair negotiating groups for the new round of World Trade Organization negotiations, but trade officials are skeptical that the initial meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee this month will succeed in reaching agreement on the chairmen.

US Farm Subsidy Package to Hurt Global Producers

Asia Pulse | January 15, 2002 340 billion S175.47 billion) subsidy package for farmers in the United States would depress world agricultural prices and hurt Australian producers, according to new study by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE).