
A Field Guide to Anti-WEF Protest in New York City

Village Voice | by Ariston-Lizabeth Anderson After months of lying low, defenders of civil liberties, opponents of the war in Afghanistan, and anti-corporate-globalization activists are determined to come out and be heard by some of the WEF's most influential business leaders. Here's how you can join the demonstrations. NEW YORK CITY SOCIAL FORUM

Argentina Pays Debt--To Democracy

By Eduardo Galeano It started with an explosion of violence. A few days before Christmas, a crowd of hungry people began looting supermarkets. Among them, as is usually the case, were a few criminals. As the chaos spread and blood was spilled, the Argentine president spoke on television. What he said, more or less, was: Reality does not exist; the people do not exist.

China at Odds with WTO Leadership

United Press International | January 22, 2002 GENEVA, Switzerland, Jan 22, 2002 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- China is challenging the leadership of the United States, European Union, Japan and Canada in determining who will oversee a new round of global trade talks just one month after it was admitted into the World Trade Organization.