United Nations

UNCTAD XI Concludes With Adoption Of Sao Paulo Consensus' Part 1 of 2

SaO PAULO - Inspired by its founding vision - to help developing countries participate equitably in the world economy - the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) today closed its eleventh session, adopting the "The Spirit of Sao Paulo Declaration, which reaffirmed its commitment to the eradication of poverty and hunger, and to the achievement of fair and equitable multilat

Full Speed Ahead, Not Just In China

Where will your suppliers, partners and competitors be expanding their global operations over the next few years? The 2004 Global Investment Prospects Assessment, a survey of multinational executives recently conducted by the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, provides some valuable clues, along with a few surprises. The good news: The recession that began in 2001 is over.

Full Speed Ahead, Not Just In China

Where will your suppliers, partners and competitors be expanding their global operations over the next few years? The 2004 Global Investment Prospects Assessment, a survey of multinational executives recently conducted by the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development, provides some valuable clues, along with a few surprises. The good news: The recession that began in 2001 is over.

Silent Killers At The Dining Table

Milk powder starving babies to death; toxic liquor leaving 11 dead and more than 50 in hospital; canned lychees poisoning fruit lovers; green bean vermicelli loaded with carcinogens; tainted bean shoots; and peanuts harbouring a liver-cancer causing toxin. These are just a few of the food -safety disasters reported from China in the past month.

Trade Benefits For Developing World Sought

Uganda's president and the president-elect of the Dominican Republic insisted Wednesday that developing countries must receive social benefits from free trade instead of simply opening Third World markets to multinational corporations.

World Trade Organization - Handbook on the Dispute Settlement System

A HANDBOOK ON THE WTO DISPUTE SETTLEMENT SYSTEM This guide has been prepared by the WTO Secretariat to explain the practices that have arisen in the operation of the WTO dispute settlement system since its entry into force on 1 January, 1995. Its detailed content will be useful to expert practitioners as well as to those wanting to gain