New Trade Threat for U.S. Farmers

New York Times | August 29, 1999 | By MELODY PETERSEN WASHINGTON - American farmers paid premium prices this spring to sow many of their fields with genetically engineered corn and soybeans, but now as the fall harvest nears, more of the international buyers they depend upon are saying they do not want those crops.

EU Plans to Tighten Animal Feed Rules Could Spark Trade Dispute, U.S. Says

International Trade Reporter | Volume 16 Number 33 | August 18, 1999 BRUSSELS - European Union plans to establish stricter standards for the ingredients of certain animal feeds in the wake of the food safety scare triggered by dioxin contamination in Belgium could cause a new, major trans-Atlantic trade dispute, the United States has warned.

U.S. Warns EU of Trade War over GM Food

Reuters | August 12, 1999 LONDON - The top U.S. representative in Brussels has warned that Europe and the United States are heading for a trade war over an EU decision to suspend licences for genetically modified foods, the Times reported on Thursday.