EU Sets Guidelines for Cautionary Food Trade Bans

Reuters | February 2, 2000 | By David Evans BRUSSELS - The European Commission on Wednesday unveiled guidelines on how it believes public health can be protected with cautionary trade bans when faced with insufficient or conflicting science.

Green Groups Applaud Intl Bio-Safety Trade Pact

World Headlines Saturday January 29 11:12 AM ET Green Groups Applaud Intl Bio-Safety Trade Pact BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Environmental groups on Saturday applauded an agreement reached by international regulators in Montreal on regulating trade in genetically modified organisms (GMOs) used in food.

Citizens Slam Miami Group Stalling on Biosafety Protocol

IATP News Release | January 25, 2000 Montreal - Representatives of fifteen civil society groups from the six countries stalling the Biosafety Protocol spoke out today. They said the Protocol must protect biodiversity and human health, not promote trade.

Billions at Stake as Food Is Frozen Out

The Herald | October 27, 1999 | By CRAIG SKEHAN, Herald Correspondent in Bangkok Thai authorities are struggling to protect billions of dollars worth of exports as countries with restrictions or bans on genetically modified crops start to reject Thai food products.

U.S. to Draft Proposal for Faster GM Crop Approvals

Reuters | September 30, 1999 | Julie Vorman WASHINGTON - Peter Scher, special U.S. ambassador for agricultural trade, was cited as saying today that U.S. trade negotiators are working with other countries to draft a proposal that would force the European Union to speed up its approval procedures for imports of genetically modified (GM) crops.

U.S. Warns EU on Antibiotics Ban

BRIDGES Weekly Trade News Digest | Vol. 3, Number 36 | September 13, 1999 U.S. trade officials have warned the EU that its ban on the use of four antibiotics may violate international trade rules. The ban - which went into effect on 1 July - was imposed to address concerns that use of the antibiotics could build up resistance in human consumers.