Food safety

Smart Guide Hormones in the Food System

Hormones are routinely used in meat and dairy production as growth promoters, given to dairy cows to increase milk production, hormone -active pesticides are sprayed on crops, are used in plastic food packaging and can be found in the industrial chemicals and byproducts, used in industrial processes, which also make their way into the food chain.

Group Letter Urging President Obama to Support The Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act (PAMTA) of 2009

To meet the challenge of the misuse of antibiotics effectively, FDA must address the full range of nontherapeutic uses. Addressing only the growth promotion and feed efficiency uses of antibiotics, estimated by industry to be just 10 to 15 percent of the total, would make only a minor dent in the problem.

Group Letter to FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg on Antibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms

The steering committee of Keep Antibiotics Working met with FDA Commissioner Dr, Margaret Hamburg to discuss the Food and Drug Administration’s response to the urgent and growing crisis of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.This letter was sent after after the meeting as a review and to further specific points covered in the meeting.

Keep Antibiotics Working on the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009

KAW press release expressing disappointment that the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009 (H.R. 2749), marked up in the House Energy and Commerce Committee today does not address the growing problem of antibiotic resistant foodborne pathogens which is an inseparable part of the food safety crisis.