Food safety

Group Letter to FDA on Tiamulin Drug Safety Data

The type 2 supplemental approval of tiamulin is the third of its kind since retapamulin was approved for humans in 2007. Each of these approvals was an opportunity for FDA to require drug sponsors to provide microbial safety data related to antimicrobial resistance. Yet in each case the Agency failed to act.

Comment to FDA on Draft Guidance #209, The Judicious Use of Medically Important Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals

This joint letter, submitted by Keep Antibiotics Working to the FDA, Docket No. FDA-2010-D-0094, addresses the issue of the FDA not doing enough about the overuse of antibiotics in food animals.

The war on antibiotics: Without strict new regulations, U.S. beef, poultry and pork production could rob us of effective antibiotics

Minneapolis, July 30, 2010* — Would you like some antibiotic-resistant bacteria with your grilled chicken at your backyard barbecue? Of course not. But that likelihood continues to grow unless the government makes industry change the way most American farm animals are raised.

Comment to FDA on Food Additive Petition for Erythromycin Thiocyanate (Animal Use)

Comments to the FDA regarding the North American Bioproducts Corp. (NABC) Food Additive Petition for Erythromycin Thiocyanate (Animal Use) and recommending that the FDA not approve the addition of the critically important human drug erythromycin to animal feed due to the risk to public health from the development of antimicrobial resistance.