Industrial Livestock

The industrial meat and dairy sector emits more greenhouse gas than the entire transportation sector, while often relying on forced farm and slaughterhouse labor and draconian contracts for farmers. IATP has, for the first time, assigned greenhouse gas footprints directly to the corporations responsible. We are building a global coalition to hold these companies accountable to climate, food safety and human rights standards. 

A letter from COP 24

Sunday was the first day of the UN climate talks (COP 24) being held in the coal region of Poland. While the energy sector will get the headlines, many countries are grappling with how best to deal with climate impacts to agriculture, as agricultural emissions are nearly a third of all global emissions. IATP is in Katowice and will be following how parties deal with agriculture in this COP.

Emissions Impossible—Für gute Landwirtschaft braucht man ein gutes Klima

Es überrascht mich zutiefst, dass es heute in unserer Gesellschaft immer noch Menschen gibt, die einen Klimawandel verursacht durch menschliche Einflüsse leugnen. Vermutlich haben diese Menschen nicht viel mit Landwirtschaft am Hut, denn in unserer westlichen Welt sind es nun einmal Bäuerinnen und Bauern, die den Klimawandel als Erste zu Spüren bekommen.