
IATP has been advocating for fair and sustainable agriculture and food systems for more than 35 years. Learn more about our agriculture work on our Agriculture & Food Systems page

WTO, Agricultural Deregulation and Food Security

Published in Foreign Policy In Focus, Volume 4, Number 34, December 1999. Can deregulated world markets ensure food security for the world? No negotiator of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) could honestly say that this was the first intent of the agreement. Yet, the AoA preamble lists food security as one of the legitimate "non-trade" objectives of agriculture policy.

Billions at Stake as Food Is Frozen Out

The Herald | October 27, 1999 | By CRAIG SKEHAN, Herald Correspondent in Bangkok Thai authorities are struggling to protect billions of dollars worth of exports as countries with restrictions or bans on genetically modified crops start to reject Thai food products.

Beef Battles Expose EU""s Health Dilemma

Reuters | October 11, 1999 | By David Evans BRUSSELS - The European Commission is under pressure to take legal action against France over a refusal to import British beef, while using similar arguments to France in keeping U.S. hormone-treated meat out of Europe, analysts say.

Sewage Sludge & Food Safety

This factsheet explains what sewage sludge is, how its made and what it contains, IATP's policy position on why using sludge for fertilizer on agricultural lands is unacceptable, as well as the risk for home and garden use, is laid out.

New Trade Threat for U.S. Farmers

New York Times | August 29, 1999 | By MELODY PETERSEN WASHINGTON - American farmers paid premium prices this spring to sow many of their fields with genetically engineered corn and soybeans, but now as the fall harvest nears, more of the international buyers they depend upon are saying they do not want those crops.