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Inside Washington / By SALLY SCHUFF, Feedstuffs Washington Editor
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. export credit guarantee programs are on the front burner, mostly because other countries hate them.
By Aileen Kwa / Focus on the Global South, Geneva
The first phase of agricultural negotiations which had lasted a year concluded at the end of March with the Agriculture Special Session on March 22-23. This was followed immediately by a stocktaking session which was intended to set the work programme for the second phase of agriculture negotiations.
Ed Maixner / Farm Progress Washington Bureau
Economists told a conference of agricultural news writers Monday that Congress may find its farm assistance spending curbed by the 1995 World Trade Organization agreements when it tries to write a new farm bill.
Inside US Trade / Vol. 19, No. 16
Industrialized countries failed last week to reach agreement on new disciplines for agriculture export credits because the U.S. and Canada could not settle their differences on the maximum term for loan repayments and on whether the agreement should cover state-trading enterprises, such as the Canadian Wheat Board.
Inside US Trade / Vol. 19, No. 15 / By Martin Vaughan
A plan by trade ministers to push ahead with negotiations on the Free Trade Area of the Americas glosses over major divisions on two of the most contentious issues, both of them focused on sensitive policies the U.S. has sought to leave out of the talks.
Reuters / By Gilbert Le Gras
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Negotiators from 34 American nations trying to forge the world's largest free-trade zone locked horns Wednesday on anti-dumping rules and agricultural subsidies, diplomats said.