
Minneapolis, May 5, 2011 — 今年二月,联合国粮农组织(FAO)宣布中国陷入“粮食危机,”原因是百年不遇的干旱损伤了中国三分之一的麦田。这条消息引起了国际媒体的关注。中国是世界上最大的小麦生产国,每年产量约有1亿1千5百万吨,相当于国际小麦贸易额的总量。中国目前的粮食进口量不高,但是,假如中国转向全球市场出高价购买粮食来缓解因干旱而引起的“粮食危机”,粮价有可能急剧上升。

Is famine the new normal?

Minneapolis, February 7, 2011 — When global food prices spiked in 2007-08, a hundred million people were added to the ranks of the world’s hungry, pushing the total number over 1 billion for the first time in history. Now, just two years later, we are seeing another food price hike, and more famine is likely to follow.