
IATP has long been a leader in making sure global agreements protect the rights of farmers around the world. We are active at the United Nations and World Trade Organization and through various bilateral and multilateral agreements to ensure that the rights of farmers to receive a fair price, engage in conservation and sustainable practices, and even just to stay on their land are upheld and respected. We also monitor trade agreements to make sure food safety, environmental safeguards and the rights of farm workers are protected. Visit our Trade & Governance page to learn more. 

Global Rules to Shape Biofuel Market

The long-term sustainability of the fast-moving global biofuel market will depend on changes to international trade and investment rules that govern energy, environment, agriculture and rural development, according to a new paper published by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) and the London-based International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).

Lessons From NAFTA: Building a New Fair Trade Agenda

In 2007 IATP organized the conference "Lessons from NAFTA: Building a New Fair Trade Agenda" which took place in Minneapolis, Minnesota. With 45 groups signed on as co-sponsors, the conference was attended by over 250 people, including representatives from the media; the Minnesota state government; the Mexican and Canadian embassies; representatives from the Canadian, Mexican and U.S.