Publication archives

IATP often works internationally, but our headquarters is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this episode, Josh is joined by Filiberto Nolasco, Editor of the online news site, Workday Minnesota, to talk about what the broader issues of labor, immigrants rights, and social justice are happening in our community. 
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The Farm Bill is a fundamentally a story about power. Dating back to the 1930s, every five years or so Congress decides in whose interest the Farm Bill will serve. Current Farm Bill debates involve many constituencies beyond just farmers, including hunger advocates, environmentalists, rural leaders, public health supporters, and civil rights organizations. The Farm Bill is both derivative and evolving, with important lessons from the past informing the hard policy challenges of the future.     
Food Tank
The following first appeared in The Hill on March 21, 2018, under the title: How Congress Can Shut Down Trump's Latest Power Grab
Donald Trump
Ben Lilliston
Download the PDF of the report.
Dr. Steve Suppan
An update to EFSA's 2011 Guidance synthesizes a broad array of scientific literature, but problematically suggests nanomaterials won't be subject to stringent enough mandatory rules.
Mars Candy Company agreed to remove nano-titanium dioxide from its products
Dr. Steve Suppan
President Trump's tariffs are a partial and short-term solution to a real problem. The larger issue is dumping goods below cost-of-production in other countries.
President Trump's steel tariffs don't address the actual problem
The Trump tariffs on steel and aluminum have caused a lot of chatter and speculation. But they exist in a very complicated and interconnected system. Today, Josh talks about the tariffs, the WTO, and the rules based multilateral trading system with IATP Adviser, Sophia Murphy, Director of Trade and Global Governance, Karen Hansen-Kuhn, and IATP Executive Director, Juliette Majot.
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Tara Ritter
This blog overviews our February 2018 "Our Energy Future: Ideas to Action" event in Morris, MN.
Stevens County Rural Climate Dialogue February