Publication archives

Sharon Anglin Treat
With the endorsement on April 15 by a majority of the heads of government of its member states, the European Union has finally taken the formal step needed to move ahead with trade negotiations with the United States.
Pig in a Poke
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is set to elect a new Director General in June. Decisions and actions of this organization have impacts on food and agricultural systems around the world. IATP believes this position is critical, as the Director General plays a key role in navigating the challenge of global hunger and climate change.
FAO logo
Ben Lilliston
Countries are increasingly advancing proposals to address climate concerns within new and existing trade agreements. Most modern trade agreements, and governing bodies like the World Trade Organization, were negotiated with little or no acknowledgement of the climate crisis.
Deforestation and trade
Dr. Steve Suppan
Juliette Majot
On March 30, Midwest farmers rallied in Storm Lake, Iowa, calling for legislators and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to implement a nine article Farmers Bill of Rights which would aspire to, among others actions, enforce fair market practices and natural resource conservation rules.
Family Farm Action rally
Ben Lilliston
Last month, Woody Johnson, United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom, called the U.S.
Chicken CAFO
Ben Lilliston
New data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows a steady increase in agriculture-related greenhouse gas emissions, much of it linked to industrial systems of crop production and the rise of factory farm systems of animal production. The annually updated GHG data is designed to track U.S.
Confined feeding operations of cattle. Yuma, Az.
Katie Costello
Erin McKee VanSlooten
Download the PDF of the Overview.
Tri-Valley Garden
Katie Costello
Erin McKee VanSlooten
Download a PDF of the case study.
Tri-Valley kids with watermelon