Publication archives

Tara Ritter
Matt Lohr Chief, Natural Resources Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, DC 20250         Re: Conservation Stewardship Program Interim Final Rule, NRCS-2019-0020 (Fed. Reg. Vol. 84, No. 218, Nov. 12, 2019, page 60883ff.)   
Tara Ritter
Murray County, situated in the southwestern corner of Minnesota, is no stranger to wind energy. Wind turbines have become a familiar part of the landscape. The county has used revenue to improve local infrastructure, and many landowners have received an additional stream of income from hosting a turbine.
farm prairie windmill wind harvest
Sharon Anglin Treat
Revised and updated January 2, 2020
water contaminated with pfas
Katie Costello
For over a decade, IATP has been a leader in the Farm to Institution movement. With the goal of supporting the vitality of small- and mid-size farmers, we find innovative approaches to increase the accessibility of locally-grown foods in settings like schools and hospitals.
Roseville Cucumber Crunch
Sharon Anglin Treat
In the absence of federal action, state governments are struggling to address widespread Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) contamination of water, soils and food.
water contaminated with PFAS
Sharon Anglin Treat
Comments on the Maine PFAS Task Force Draft Final Report were submitted on December 6, 2019.  To read the comments in full, please download the PDF. 
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
Twenty years ago, more than 50,000 activists took to the streets in Seattle at the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations to protest global trade talks intended to rewrite the rules of the global economy.
IATP in Seattle 1999
Ben Lilliston
Originally published in The Storm Lake Times and The Progressive Populist. 
mexican farmer in field