Publication archives

Not only is it OK to cut trees; it's necessary to maintain and grow more old growth trees. That was the theme of a recent workshop hosted by the Sisters Ranger District in the Glaze Meadow forest adjacent to Black Butte Ranch.
As 12,000 people gathered in Bali this week to begin framing a global response to Earth's warming climate, efforts to close a deal that would slow destruction of tropical forests appear to be the best prospect for a concrete achievement from the historic assemblage.
Comment to FDA expressing concerns that the agency is not pursuing the likelihood that U.S. livestock operations are a reservoir for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the FDA is not responding to NARMS data indicating the emergence in the United States of Enterobacteriaceae resistant to cephalosporins.
You may have thought NAFTA was old news. But surprisingly, over a decade later, it still has not been fully implemented. Because NAFTA was so controversial in all three countries when it came into effect in 1994, the deal delayed implementation of the final agriculture provisions until January 1, 2008. And those final provisions are a big deal - particularly for Mexico.
A new survey of infection control professionals suggests there is a lot of room for progress even in health care facilities in preventing deadly MRSA infections. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control said 59 percent of members report their facility had made improvements in the past six months. But half said more could or should be done.
China said Tuesday constant US criticism over trade disputes was hurting economics ties, although the world powers agreed at top-level talks to cooperate on improving the safety of Chinese exports. Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi used her opening remarks at an annual one-day trade meeting here to hit out at what she said was rising protectionist sentiment in the United States.
Seven years ago, the aging state-owned Weifang East Steel Pipe factory in China's northern coastal plains was insolvent, strangled by debts and unable to pay its workers.
This week, the Senate will vote on 40 final amendments to the Farm Bill. One amendment the Senate should support comes from Senators Wyden and Harkin. The amendment would restore sustainable production criteria to the Bioenergy Crop Transition Assistance Program (BCTAP) within the Farm Bill's Energy Title.