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When United Nations member countries agreed in 2000 to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including to cut global poverty in half by 2015, the emphasis was on national and international policies to address the problems of the poor.
IF EVER THERE was a tree that has inspired devotion, it's the American chestnut, once one of the most common trees in East Coast forests.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) was recently directed by Governor Ted Strickland to attain a third-party certification for Ohio's state forests. Pike County embodies three state forests, including the Scioto Trail State Forest, Pike State Forest and Brush Creek State Forest.
North American forests are storing less carbon due to warmer autumns, reports a study published in the journal Nature by an international team of researchers.
Last year brought glum news that Canada's forests are only a so-so defence against global warming. Today it gets a little worse: We thought our forests were getting better at soaking up greenhouse gases, but they're not.
The pine trees cradling this mountain town are dying, turned rusty red by a beetle that is destroying the Rockies' forests. The brittle corpses are an eyesore as well as a major fire hazard. When they collapse, they make hillsides unstable, increasing erosion and damming streams that feed into the Colorado River, which provides drinking water to seven states and Mexico.
Youths from a church group and a synagogue group joined hands recently to repopulate a fire-scarred forest area with Atlantic white cedar. Eleven people from Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, Tuckerton, and 19 from Hagalil, the New Jersey region of the United Synagogue Youth, assisted by state forest volunteers, planted 350 seedlings in Bass River State Forest.
IF EVER THERE was a tree that has inspired devotion, it's the American chestnut, once one of the most common trees in East Coast forests.