Publication archives

Shefali Sharma
Read the full Meat Atlas 2021: Facts and figures about the animals we eat, by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Friends of the Earth Europe and BUND. The following is an excerpt contributed by IATP. 
Methane from beef and dairy cattle
Shefali Sharma
Read the full Meat Atlas 2021: Facts and figures about the animals we eat, by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Friends of the Earth Europe and BUND. The following is an excerpt contributed by IATP.
Meat Atlas Cover
Cecelia Brackey
The following article was originally published by Food Tank on September 7, 2021. 
Farmer in Kenya examines wheat for disease
  Presentation by Million Belay, PhD, general coordinator, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, during the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)'s press conference on September 2, 2021. 
Presentation by Anne Maina, national coordinator, Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya, during the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)'s press conference on September 2, 2021. 
Presentation by Francesca de Gasparis, executive director, Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute, during the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)'s press conference on September 2, 2021. 
Presentation by Mariann Bassy, coordinator Food Sovereignty Program, Friends of the Earth Africa, during the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)'s press conference on September 2, 2021. 
Timothy Wise
The following article was originally published by IPS News on August 31, 2021.  As the United Nations gears up for its Food Systems Summit September 23, the urgent need for structural changes in how we grow, harvest, distribute, and consume food has never been more apparent.
Women from the Abrono Organic Farming Project showcase their seeds