Publication archives

Shiney Varghese
The governing body of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) met in Rome on April 8, 2022 in an Extraordinary Session
Food price crisis in Ukraine
La repetición del seminario web en español está disponible aquí.
Translations/Traduction/Übersetzung Regardez un enregistrement du webinaire en français ici. 
Today is World Water Day, observed every year on March 22 to draw attention to the role that fresh water plays in our world and lives, and the challenges that lie ahead in realizing the right to water for all.
person drinking water from a tap
Timothy Wise
The following commentary was originally published by Mongabay on March 22, 2022. 
Farmer with seeds in West Africa
Dr. Steve Suppan
Wheat futures prices reached near historic highs recently, increasing by 50% in the globally price influential Chicago futures market since the Russian military began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24.
Blades of wheat
Dr. Steve Suppan
There are two approaches to corporate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting: voluntary and mandatory. One example of mandatory reporting would be for the U.S.
Carbon pollution