Publication archives

Dr. Steve Suppan
IATP’s Steve Suppan is blogging from the UN climate talks in Durban, South Africa.
 In 1999, IATP released a ground-breaking report called Feeding the World that debunked the oft-claimed argumen
Ben Lilliston
As the global climate talks began this week in Durban, South Africa, IATP joined more than 100 civil society organizations in calling for countries to reject efforts to place agricultural soils within a carbon market.
Shiney Varghese
 My intervention is in the context of the discussion around growing more out of less, or in other words, a green economy whose primary focus is on resource efficiency improvement.
Shiney Varghese
 Referring to the presentation by Global compact person, on integrating:  1. governance, 2. pricing as a means of valuing Natural resources, and 3. the need for integration of social economic and environmental aspect, this intervention is to share a different perspective on the same issues.
Sophia Murphy
FAO produces an excellent state of the world's agriculture twice a year called Food Outlook (in all 6 U.N.
Andrew Ranallo
The latest Food and Community Fellows Digest brings together different perspectives of the many and varied ways culture and food interact. In his introduction, Editor Mark Muller writes:
Ben Lilliston
The fallout from the collapse of MF Global continues to reverberate around farm country. The firm’s demise is yet another painful case of how Wall Street’s recklessness is overwhelming under-resourced regulators and hurting people around the country. The response from Congress?