Publication archives

JoAnne Berkenkamp
Perhaps you were thinking that in this crazy world we live in things never change for the better? Well, if you are a student or a parent in the Minneapolis Public School (MPS) district, you have something to look forward to.
Real food and Minneapolis Public Schools
Dr. Steve Suppan
Nanotechnology-based food and health products and food packaging materials are available to consumers in some countries already, and additional products and applications are currently in the research and development stage, and some may reach the market soon.
Over the last three years, IATP has written numerous reports and blogs about why antibiotic use in ethanol production is unwise and unnecessary.
Executive summary
On April 12, IATP staffer Dr. David Wallinga co-published a study online that explores the links between food and autism.
Rural America makes up only 16 percent of the U.S. population, but 90 percent of the land.1 Most of the resources we depend upon—food, water, energy, fiber and minerals—are either derived from or heavily impacted by rural land use, and stewarded by rural community members.
Jim Harkness
Three conflicts going on right now in the Philippines illustrate just how high the stakes are in struggles over rights and resources around the world.