Publication archives

Shiney Varghese
IATP’s Shiney Varghese is in Rio participating in the Rio+20 Earth Summit.
Duking it out this spring to be crowned "Scourge of the 21st Century": the dual public health epidemics of obesity and antibiotic resistance.
Shiney Varghese
Next week, 20 years after the original Earth Summit, the United Nations will host the Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This conference will be the third of its kind organized by the U.N. and is preceded by the 1992 U.N.
Ben Lilliston
An article in Politico yesterday suggested that the introduction of more than 200 amendments to the Farm Bill on the Senate floor was part of a conservative strategy to
Sophia Murphy
Today, a new multilateral Food Assistance Convention (FAC) is available for signature. Thirty-four counties and the European Union will be eligible to sign the convention (countries must be food aid donors to sign).
Ben Lilliston
From tractors, chemicals and seeds, to farmers and food workers, supermarkets and consumers, there's not a part of food and agriculture that big, often multinational, corporations don't dominate.
Bill Wenzel
For many of us working on local food system development, one of the biggest challenges is forging the infrastructure needed to aggregate, process, distribute and market locally grown foods. These businesses are essential for meeting increased demand for local foods while creating jobs, connecting farms with buyers, and bolstering struggling local economies, both rural and urban.
Katie Rojas-Jahn
Just a few short years ago, BPA—at the time, a chemical relatively unknown to the general public—was used in a plethora of consumer products: from baby bottles, to receipt paper, to food can linings and more.