Publication archives

Karen Hansen-Kuhn
On June 16, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack cautioned European Union members against raising health or safety risks when banning the cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The debate over GMOs is intensifying as agribusiness on both sides of the Atlantic attempt to weaken standards on genetically modified organisms and their labeling through a new trade agreement.
TTIP webinar series: TTIP and GMOs
Shefali Sharma
The UN’s Human Rights Council passed a historic resolution today for a binding International treaty to regulate human rights violations of transnational corporations.
Dr. Steve Suppan
On June 19, Wikileaks posted the April 2014 draft text of the financial services annex of the proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). The Wikileaks posting shows governments, above all the U.S. and EU trade negotiators, in their traditional role of trying to open markets for the big banks and other financial firms.
Dr. Steve Suppan
Synthetic biology is “Still in [the] Uncharted Waters of Public Opinion,” according to a recent focus group study by the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars. That’s not surprising since the technology involved sounds like something out of science fiction.
Tara Ritter
Anna Claussen
Jim Kleinschmit
This blog overviews the 2014 Stevens County Climate Dialogue.
One rural community responds to climate change
Tara Ritter
A student dialogue at the Morris Area High School set the stage for our 2014 Stevens County Climate Dialogue
Rural youth and climate: An invitation to attend the Morris Climate Dialogue
Jump straight to IATP’s new report, Measuring Success: Local Food Systems and the Need for New Indicators.
Seeking the whole story: New metrics needed to evaluate agricultural practices
Jim Kleinschmit
Emily Barker
Dennis Keeney
In agriculture, policymakers, analysts and researchers often use a set of indicators to assess whether a farming system, or new technology, is succeeding. The most common indicators focus on increasing “yield,” often of a singular crop or animal unit, within large-scale production systems.