Publication archives

Tara Ritter
The partnership between IATP, the Jefferson Center, and the City of Morris won an Environmental Initiative Award.
IATP Rural Climate Dialogue wins Award
Pete Huff
Institutions purchasing and serving regionally produced food has gained momentum in recent years, largely driven by the exponentially successful farm to school movement.
Farm to Institutions: A Producer Perspective
Dale Wiehoff
Last week the World Trade Organization (WTO) ruled that India is unfairly preventing the import of poultry and eggs from the U.S.  India instituted the ban against U.S.
A Game of Chicken
Patrick Tsai
In December, the world’s leaders will meet for two separate important global meetings. The global climate talks in Paris aim to chart a course for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The World Trade Organization ministerial in Kenya will advance global trade rules.
Climate Change - What's Trade got to do with it?
Karen Hansen-Kuhn
The congressional vote on Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) has entered into a period of what appear to be rather convoluted twists and turns.
“The [U.S.] economy is not working for those who depend on paychecks to make a living, that is to say, almost everyone.”1 New York Times editorial: November 7, 2014
Patrick Tsai
Tomorrow, June 6, thousands of people from across the Great Lakes region will come together for the Tar Sands Resistance March in St. Paul, MN. This will be the largest action against tar sands to date in the region; speakers include Bill McKibben, Winona LaDuke, and Keith Ellison among others.