Publication archives

Shiney Varghese
Read the full paper here. 
Ben Lilliston
The World Trade Organization (WTO) has a well-earned reputation for placing trade concerns above all else—including global priorities like climate change and food security.
Sophia Murphy
Ben Lilliston
At the global climate talks in Bonn, Germany last month, countries agreed for the first time on an agriculture work program designed to identify the best strategies to respond to climate change and protect food security. Nearly 80 percent of countries included agriculture in their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) as part of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The 11th World Trade Organization Ministerial begins on December 10th, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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A decision to ban 63 civil society experts from attending the upcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial in Argentina threatens to further weaken the global institution. The controversy doesn’t bode well for the WTO, which has come under fire since its inception for its lack of transparency and accountability.
WTO Ministerial (2013
IATP, FASE, and The Heinrich Boell Foundation recently released a report on the industrial meat complex in Brazil. Besides the massive government corruption and environmental destruction, the human rights abuses in the supply chain are both well-documented and abundant.
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Shefali Sharma
Introduction: Brazil’s Rise to the Top of the Global Meat Complex
The rise of big meat
Shefali Sharma
Brazil is the world’s leading exporter of soybeans, the second largest exporter of maize and the world’s largest beef trader. It has overtaken the United States in becoming the biggest exporter of poultry in the world, close to 39 percent of total global exports. With China drastically increasing its pork imports in the last two years, Brazil has also stepped in to meet this demand.