Press Releases

Press view

Press statement charging the U.S. and the EU ag policy as the cause of food insecurity and unemployment in the developing world. The Development Box grooup calls for specific language in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture being negotiated at the Doha Ministerial that protects farmers in the devloping world.
Hot link to WTO press briefing materials for the 4th Ministerial in Doha, Qatar. PDF file download available.
On Saturday, November 3, the world's newest international treaty was adopted in Rome by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by a vote of 116-0 with two abstentions - the United States and Japan.
Hot link to WTO press briefing materials for the 4th Ministerial in Doha, Qatar. PDF file download available.
On Saturday, November 3, the world's newest international treaty was adopted in Rome by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) by a vote of 116-0 with two abstentions - the United States and Japan.
A collection of documents and resources designed to assist the professional media in preparation for the WTO Ministerial in Doha, Qatar.

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