Press Releases

Press view

The provisions in the Central American Free trade Agreement (CAFTA) that pertain to agricultural trade and agribusiness investment are spread through several chapters of the CAFTA text.
This report on the U.S.-Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) was released by Bloque Popular Centroamericano, the Alliance for Responsible Trade and the Hemispheric Social Alliance. Through the collective effort of U.S. and Central American groups, this analysis sounds the warning that CAFTA would throw into chaos everything from agriculture to pharmaceutical drug prices.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fish safety testing does not include, except for limited samples through their Total Diet Study, PCBs and dioxins - pollutants which were found to be widespread in farmed salmon in a study published last week.
The Army Corps of Engineers continues to use questionable economic methodology to evaluate whether a massive multibillion dollar lock expansion project is necessary on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterways (UMR-IW), according to a new report by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) panel released today.
By implementing small-scale, low cost measures, the efficiency of barge traffic on the Mississippi River could be significantly improved, according to a new report by the University of Missouri-St. Louis' Center for Transportation Studies.
Proposed agricultural trade rules at the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Ministerial would continue a failed policy approach that has damaged the livelihood of farmers in developed and developing countries, concluded a panel of experts from countries throughout the Americas.

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