Press Releases

Press view

Cancun, Mexico – A watered-down United Nations climate deal reached early this morning missed another opportunity to support climate-resilient agriculture and global food security, according to the Minneapolis-based Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).
Cancun, Mexico – Governments attending the global climate talks in Cancún, which begin today, need to abandon loophole-ridden carbon markets and support bottom-up climate solutions that integrate equity, food security and democratic participation, according to the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP).
At the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiations in Cancun, Mexico, governments will decide whether to expand the role that agriculture plays within global climate talks.
A new report on climate change financing options released today by a U.N. Advisory Group unwisely emphasizes carbon markets and other private finance options, while irresponsibly advocating an increased role for multilateral development banks (MDBs).
The Working Landscapes Certificates (WLC) program rewards farmers by linking sustainable corn production with bioplastics. Through Stonyfield's purchase of WLC's, the company is providing support for both sustainable corn production and as the world's largest organic yogurt producer is supporting a better line of plastic to use with their products.
TIANJIN, CHINA – Experts on the dangers posed by carbon markets warned delegates at the UN climate talks here today against including carbon trading and offsets in any global climate agreement.

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