Press Releases

Press view

Minneapolis/Washington D.C.– After six years of negotiations behind closed doors, the 12 governments that make up the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) have finally made their agreement public—and the news is not good.
Minneapolis/Washington D.C.–After years of negotiations behind closed doors, it appears that the 12 countries that make up the Trans Pacific Partnership have reached a deal. While the details remain secret, the new trade rules could have serious impacts on farmers and ranchers, consumer labeling, farm to school programs and other state and local policies supporting local food systems.
Minneapolis–One year after the launch of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA), more than 350 civil society organizations from around the world, including the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), rejected the ill-defined agenda of the Alliance as an empty marketing slogan, distracting governments from the transformational changes that are needed in agriculture
Minneapolis– The effectiveness and costs of pesticide seed coatings are not being made clear to farmers, according to a new paper by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. Over the last decade, a small handful of seed companies often require or add neonicotinoid (neonic) seed coatings, particularly for genetically engineered crops.
Washington D.C.–Following an intense lobbying campaign, the Senate today caved in to demands from the Obama administration and GOP leadership and gave Trade Promotion Authority six years of life support.
Washington D.C.–Following months of intense public opposition to Fast Track, the House of Representatives today defied the Obama administration’s trade promotion package. The debate over Fast Track blurred party lines.

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