How corporate trade deals make the world more vulnerable to COVID-19

June 5th, 2020

With the U.S.-U.K. trade negotiations starting again in the midst of the coronavirus crisis the issue of how international trade deals affect our economies, our environment and our government's ability to respond to crises like COVID-19 is back on the agenda. Discussion will focus on how trade rules underpin the corporate structure of the global economy, what the Trump administration's trade agenda is, and how the pandemic could lead to a new wave of corporate court (ISDS) cases — and what to do to change this. With:

Town Hall on COVID-19, Trade and Resilience

May 27th, 2020

Watch the Zoom recording of the webinar here.  Join Citizen Trade Campaign for a virtual town hall on May 27. IATP's Senior Attorney Sharon Treat will present on preventing a corporate-driven "shock doctrine" in upcoming trade deals. 

TTIP 2.0 and Regulatory Cooperation - What lobbyists and regulators have in store for us

May 20th - May 27th, 2020

To watch a recording of the May 20 webinar on YouTube, please click here.  To watch a recording of the May 27 webinar on YouTube, please click here.  Little is known about the EU-U.S. trade talks on a "TTIP 2.0" that were launched in 2018. The EU Commission has heavily scaled back transparency efforts and is effectively shielding the negotiations from public scrutiny.